We argue, we all fight, we cry and we all spent our lives just to prove why my belief of what I believe is “truth” and “right”, whereas, your belief about your so-called “truth” is twisted and wrong. Some call Him Allah and others call Him Rama or Christ — they all believe in the fact that there is a God — still they fight and they argue to prove why the God they worship and the one they named is superior to the other.
My illetrate mind fails to understand if God is truth then why there are two versions of the same truth? Why we waste our lives to prove one version of truth superior than other? Our ritualistic behaviors overpower our ability to see beyond what we want to see. Our preconceived notions about reality creates a wall — the wall we created intentionally to satisfy our so called self believe, the wall that stops us to see beyond our version of “obvious”, the wall that limit us to believe in what we don’t believe.
Isn’t the definition of truth very subjective? I can see, listen and experience the same thing very differently from others — isn’t my biases or judgment getting on my way to define the truth? If there is no single definition and we can’t define it objectively — is there anything like truth or is it just my mental model which I am believing as my version of reality?
Perceptions, biases and our past experiences — maybe simply put call it as conditioning of our minds — hold us back and make us captive of our own self righteous esteem, where truth or reality is nothing more than sum total of what we want to see and experience. We become so engrossed in satisfying our self esteem and egos, we start believing in what we believe and we believe that our “belief” is reality and rest all is damn lie.
Whether it is home or office, between husband and wife or between boss and yourself - we all argue and spend our entire life and energy to prove the superiority of our perception about the reality. The reality which we don’t know, the reality which is abstract, the reality which is full of our beliefs, the reality which might not be even real. We all miss the key point — the point that — these are all are mental models, the models of what we believe is real and our manifestation of reality — not necessarily a reality or a fact.
When death is certain and a real then why spend energy to prove something which is very ephermeral ?
To be honest, I am still as confused as I was in the beginning of this writing. I still don’t have a clue of what is real and what is not when it comes to emotions. Corona has hit us hard — it is a fact. I don’t believe there are two versions to it.
The moment you get into emotionally charged discussion, the whole definition of facts and reality becomes grey, confusing and predisposed to the believe. Both can be stating their own version of facts, both can be right or wrong at the same time. Both are arguing, fighting, crying and spending their entire lives just to prove why his/her belief of what they believe is “truth” and “right”, whereas, the others belief about their so-called “truth” is twisted and wrong.